Warp Stalkers, My Pokémons

After my last post about my little hunter, I felt the urge to check out my lvl 80 hunter, Vivie.  I know, I know… I have a disease. (It’s alt-oholism.. O_O).  Anyhoo, for the past couple of days I’ve been leveling Vivie to 82 so she could get out to Vashj’ir and tame the blue warp stalker.  It’s been great fun and now I am proud to say…


Proof (like you really need it):

White (Marvin) Marvin
Olive (Cosmo) Cosmo
Blue (Bobo) Bobo
Black (Gezzie) Gezzie
Blue-Green (Stitch) Stitch
Red (Ruby) Ruby

(Click to make bigger)

Now that this little inner-acheebmint is completed, I can work on collecting all of the dragonhawk skins.  I already have the Pretty Pretty Princess dragonhawk. 


But she needs a Ken. Winking smile

Warp Stalkers, My Pokémons

After my last post about my little hunter, I felt the urge to check out my lvl 80 hunter, Vivie.  I know, I know… I have a disease. (It’s alt-oholism.. O_O).  Anyhoo, for the past couple of days I’ve been leveling Vivie to 82 so she could get out to Vashj’ir and tame the blue warp stalker.  It’s been great fun and now I am proud to say…


Proof (like you really need it):

White (Marvin) Marvin
Olive (Cosmo) Cosmo
Blue (Bobo) Bobo
Black (Gezzie) Gezzie
Blue-Green (Stitch) Stitch
Red (Ruby) Ruby

(Click to make bigger)

Now that this little inner-acheebmint is completed, I can work on collecting all of the dragonhawk skins.  I already have the Pretty Pretty Princess dragonhawk. 


But she needs a Ken. Winking smile

The Name That Shall Not be Pronounced Consistently

Another light-ish week for me.  Just been leveling my new little orc hunter.  I’ve never been very good at playing a hunter successfully – it’s one of those classes that is easy to play, but difficult to master.  And not that I’m a “huntard”…It’s just that my phalanges decide to cry mutiny and click the right mouse button at the most inopportune times. (>_<)


So Tamagdalla is now 26 and I am still conflicted on how to pronounce her name. TAMAG-dalla? Tamag-DALLA? Ta-MAG-dalla? I give up. I will call her what I call her when I refer to her. She has been a busy little orcykins, however. She’s collected 7 pets now: a bear, fox, spider, lion, raptor, mastiff, and boar.  My favorite pet so far has been the fox. It’s really fast (with the talent) and it does a lot of damage (although I suppose all ferocity pets will do the same amount of damage?) Plus, who doesn’t love the “Play” ability!?

I named the fox “Gutsy” after a story my RL best friend told me happened to her this week: She’s a first grade teacher and ended up being an audience volunteer at a school assembly where the ‘main attraction’ (a dude dressed up as “Gutsy” the fox) attempted to JUMP over her hear and almost t-bagged her.  I still laugh when I imagine her horrified face.

Yes, I name my hunter pets after things to amuse my best friend. She hates raptors (thanks to Jurassic Park) and I named my blue raptor “Nightmare.” >:3

I respecced Tamagdalla to Survival this morning to try something new (and to get the +3% ranged haste) and I’m enjoying it so far.  I can’t wait to get the trap launcher (and Freezing trap!).  I kinda wish Trap Launcher was one of the abilities you get from speccing into Survival. It seems that some specs (of all classes) get more specialization abilities than others and I wonder if the fewer specialization abilities are equal to the many? It’s an odd situation that deserves its own post, so I won’t go too in-depth here (cheers for a post topic, though!)

All in all, I’m enjoying my hunter!

Week in Warcraft #3

This post will cover the last 2 weeks since I’m lazy and forgetful. If you follow me on Twitter, you may have noticed that I have been tweeting less often. I just got super busy at work with this new project (yay!), so I’m on the run all day (boo!).

– Magtheridon downed with awesome people from The Broken (Misha-US Alliance)
– Priest fished up Weather-beaten Journal!

– Priest skilled up Cooking to just under 300; Fishing to 200; Tailoring to 495; and Enchanting to 480-ish!

Interface Customization:
– Tried the ever-wonderful Tukui and 3 edits
– Reverted back to default UI, but may try Eselol’s edit 1 more time

– Created worgen druid on Kael’thas-US with my hubby. He also made a druid (first time EVER playing a druid) and is going kitty; I was kitty then resto then balance and now back to kitty. Since his druid is a miner/skinner and mine is LW/skinner, he’s half a level ahead (/rassafrassa). Droods are 19/18. One more to awesome-running. :D

Newest “Project”: Izzixx, the Goblin Priest of DOOOM

You knew it wouldn’t be too long before I started a new toon, right?  Actually, this goblin would technically be the 4th new toon in the last week, but I deleted the others.  Some All of you may not understand why I do this…But it’s not much more than I get bored easily and leveling isn’t a chore for me.

So while I’m waiting on my husband to get home from work, I decided to make a goblin priest.  I have a thing for priests now.  I just love them; all specs (except for the Chakra sound../grr).


Meet Izzixx.  She was going to be named Gizzie (a nickname I have recently acquired) or Lizzie..but those were all taken on the server. She’s still sorta called Izzie. Sorta.

Isn’t she adorable!  I’m digging her hair – It’s my favorite color!


Plus I totally wear the ‘”bangs-pulled-back” hair style a lot.  I can dig it.

Newest “Project”: Izzixx, the Goblin Priest of DOOOM

You knew it wouldn’t be too long before I started a new toon, right?  Actually, this goblin would technically be the 4th new toon in the last week, but I deleted the others.  Some All of you may not understand why I do this…But it’s not much more than I get bored easily and leveling isn’t a chore for me.

So while I’m waiting on my husband to get home from work, I decided to make a goblin priest.  I have a thing for priests now.  I just love them; all specs (except for the Chakra sound../grr).


Meet Izzixx.  She was going to be named Gizzie (a nickname I have recently acquired) or Lizzie..but those were all taken on the server. She’s still sorta called Izzie. Sorta.

Isn’t she adorable!  I’m digging her hair – It’s my favorite color!


Plus I totally wear the ‘”bangs-pulled-back” hair style a lot.  I can dig it.

Auctioneering, a la Nerd

I used to use Auctioneer, AuctionLite, Auctionator…but they’re all so bloated with settings that I just simply don’t use.  I use the auction house to sell things I know have a higher value than the vendor sell price, but I am no way an entrepreneur.  And I like it that way.

But I’ve found, over the years, that simply walking up to the auction house can be time-consuming and inefficient without a little behind-the-scenes assistance.  Many people use addons for this help and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that – they are obviously a lot smarter than I am (since all the settings are annoyingly daunting to me).  So rather than use an addon (which, I know, could be more effective and time-efficient), I developed a spreadsheet.  It’s gotten a lot bigger during it’s existence, but to me*, it is a lot more helpful since it focuses on the most important aspect of even using the auction house: selling my stuff!

Here is a link to my spreadsheet: https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0Aq2grkqkYgXtdGZWYTRjMjI2YjlZSi1SQ090TUdjZWc&hl=en&output=html.  Please do not reproduce it without proper credit. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @lizzia620.


*I am an Excel geek. I use it for practically everything I do, even letters. It’s just better, trust me. ;D

World <Explorer>!

I realized the other day that my new main is without a title.  So of course, I had to remedy this issue. The 2nd easiest title for her to get is <the Explorer>, so I set off.  She had to explore 6 vanilla zones (of course these were the Draenei and Blood Elf starting zones, so no flying!), all of the Outland, Northrend and Cataclysm zones. Well, except Vashj’ir. She missed the Abandoned Reef while questing. And yes, if you did not get this title prior to Cataclysm, you will need to get the new level 80+ zones.  It’s not that bad, really.

Exploring from about 8am – 3:15pm (Central time):


Console Games vs. World of Warcraft: Maybe why some people don't move out of bad stuff

***Disclaimer:  This is my personal opinion based on observations of my husband.  It’s all totally anecdotal and should be taken as subjective discussion, not fact or even objective.***

My husband has played video games for most of his life.  Between he and his brother, they’ve had almost every game console available.  He’s very good at figuring out the puzzles and general progression of this type of game. He’s the player that had the symbol for lives on Super Mario Brothers.

When he gets in WoW, however, he sort of loses some of his critical thinking/cognitive awareness abilities.  And I have a hypothesis as to why this happens.

Console games, for the most part, are typically from first-person perspective and involve a world that stops when the game turns off.  Also, many games feature a landscape that is really 2-dimensional requiring movement from left to right.  World of Warcraft is a truly in-depth 3D world that never “stops”.  I think players who’ve spent their lives playing console games may have a difficult (mental) time of translating the skills they developed while playing the console games to a more robust game like World of Warcraft because WoW requires a different set of cognitive skills.  I think console game players try to think about WoW as a console game and apply the game framework they are familiar with (the left-to-right movement, single perspective, etc) to this different type of gaming experience.

It’s like trying to (excuse the cliche) stuff a square peg in a round hole.  Console games require reading skills, hand-eye coordination, and a basic understanding of a storyline.  World of Warcraft requires these skills, but also the ability to discern the nuances of lore (the “backstory” of the game), remember game combat mechanics for at least 1000 monsters (and recognize monster types), think critically about other game mechanics related to equipment, items, professions, and reputation standings.  The sheer amount of reading comprehension in WoW required is a heck of a lot more than required by most console games (if any?) and I believe this may put console game players at a slight disadvantage.

Of course, there are plenty of gamers who play both console games and World of Warcraft successfully.  This post is an attempt at explaining my hypothesis as to why my husband keeps telling me “I wasn’t paying attention” or why he just can’t seem to move out of hockey-pucks-of-doom sometimes.  Maybe this makes no sense and is a bunch of hogwash.  Highly likely.  But it’s something to think about when interacting with other players in WoW.